The REAL Key to Burning Calories

The REAL Key to Burning Calories

More Muscle: The REAL Key to Burning Calories

If you lose 5 pounds of muscle…

Remember when you were a teenager and could eat everything in sight and not get fat. Some where in your thirties, things changed. Now it seems as if just looking at food can make you fat. What happened?
The main difference for most people is that they have less muscle in adulthood that they had in their late teens and early twenties. With ageing comes a natural tendency to lose muscle, a condition called sarcopenia, as well as to be less vigorous in physical activity, which breeds further muscle loss. This loss of muscle tissue brings a sharp drop in resting metabolic rate (also known as RMR). If you lose 5 pounds of muscle, the amount of calories you burn in a twenty-four-hour period will decrease by roughly 250 calories. While this decrease may not sound like much, it accrues over time. If you lose muscle but continue to eat the way you did when you were younger, you will gain a pound of fat in about fourteen days. Over a twenty-week period, that will end up up being 10 pounds of body fat.

More Muscle: The REAL Key to Burning Calories

Getting rid of accumulated body fat

The key to getting rid of accumulated body fat is to get back your youthful metabolism by regaining your lost muscle mass. You have probably heard people say, “muscle has memory”, and this is one popular saying that passes the truth test. With proper exercise stimulus, dormant muscle tissue can be reactivated to grow back to its previous size. When you regain muscle that requires 250 calories a day to keep alive, what used to be an insidious weight-gain problem will become an unrelenting weight loss technique. As you become stronger, you will have a natural tendency to participate in more vigorous activities, and this situation will allow you to lose weight with less attention paid to calorie counting and food selection. The more reasonable your diet is, the more prone you are to stick with it. As you ride this spiral of success, you may be able to eat more like the way you did as a teenager. Putting just 5 pounds of calorie burning muscle on your body can really turn things for you.

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